We require a background check from any country you have stayed more than two (2) years as an adult, not including military deployments.
Wherever you choose to get your criminal background check from, please ensure that it is dated within 6 months of your course start date and issued by:
- A National Law Enforcement Agency in your country/s of residence in the last 10 years
- A National Security Regulatory Authority (Your card is accepted in itself)
In addition to these agencies, we will also accept clearances from:
- Valid National Police Badge
- Afiswitch (SA Citizens)
- Disclosure Scotland (UK Citizens)
- Intercheck (Australian Citizens)
- Veritas Check (New Zealand Citizens)
Please ensure you bring the ORIGINAL document with you. Should you have a Criminal Clearance that is issued electronically, kindly ensure it has a QR Code / Verification link that allows for independent verification.